Fascinating, thanks for reposting. I've been a fan of Muschamp since falling on his writings by accident , and it's reassuring to find his work being celebrated. The cross-post about Fran Leibowitz (above) confirms your critiques. Bad Gays has been a welcome commentary too.
Fascinating, thanks for reposting. I've been a fan of Muschamp since falling on his writings by accident , and it's reassuring to find his work being celebrated. The cross-post about Fran Leibowitz (above) confirms your critiques. Bad Gays has been a welcome commentary too.
Thank you for (re)sharing this. Diarmuid Hester's recent book touches on some similar terrain.
I finally got to see Ungentle tonight; I'm sorry the Q&A was such a a tech disaster but really appreciated hearing from you and Onyeka.
great read as always!
part reminded my of Fran Lebowitz in Public Speaking: https://youtu.be/WT3SdN0YVx8?si=RP_oKunROKtPK8wS (1:00)