"it will be provided, and if not, I am capable of finding it" is such a beautiful sentiment to keep in mind, i'll be writing that one down.

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I felt like I read this at the perfect time. As someone who struggles with anxiety, I got so much hope from reading this and it felt like I was not alone. I loved the way you ended it by saying " I can recognize that I experience it, but it is not my identity, nor my culture... I can’t tell you how good it felt to walk away from my fears — something to remember for when they come back". I keep praying that one day I will look back on these negative experiences filled with gut wrenching anxiety/fear and can laugh about it like it never affected me.

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Sometimes we take on so much and most things are so far out of our control. We expend energy thinking and thinking. I'm someone driven entirely by anxiety for years and years now and reading this gave me hope. Thanks for writing this!

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